We can provide travel insurance for British Columbia residents who are travelling outside of the province within Canada or internationally. We can also provide travel insurance for visitors to Canada. The most basic coverage that everyone should hold is Emergency Travel Medical Insurance, which will pay for the costs of ambulance, hospital visits, and other emergency medical services. Additionally, travellers can purchase Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, and Baggage insurance.

An important part of travel medical insurance is pre-existing condition coverage. In order to make sure that you are covered for any illness that worsens and requires medical attention while you are away from BC, you will want to make sure that you understand any limitations of coverage regarding pre-existing conditions, since not all travel insurance policies cover these. Please talk to one of our brokers about your specific situation, so that we can help you find the most suitable coverage for you.
To download some helpful information from our travel insurance provider TUGO, please follow the links below:
Travel Medical Features & Benefits (for Canadians)
Trip Cancellation/Interruption Features & Benefits
Traveller Brochure
Traveller Checklist
Travel Medical Health Questionnaire (For BC Travellers over 60+)
TUGO Traveller Wordings (Feb 2024)
Visitors to Canada Features & Benefits
Visitors to Canada Brochure
Visitors to Canada Medical Health Questionnaire (For non-residents over 60+)
Claim Example #1 - Travelling Abroad
Claim Example #2 - Travelling within Canada (outside BC)
Claim Example #3 - Visitors to Canada
Claim Example #4 - Trip Cancellation/Interruption
Claim Example #5 - Sports & Activities Coverage